2024 Federal budget Introduction On April 16, 2024, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Chrystia Freeland, presented Budget 2024. For a summary of tax measures announced, please refer to our newsletter dated April 17, 2024 here:  The Budget proposes to increase the capital gains inclusion rate from ½ to ⅔ for certain capital […]

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INTRODUCTION On April 16, 2024, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Chrystia Freeland, presented Budget 2024. This budget aims to increase lifetime capital gains exemption, introduce a new Canadian Entrepreneurs’ Incentive and increase the capital gains inclusion rate. It also proposes measures to help Canadians buy their first home by increasing the withdrawal limit […]

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BACKGROUND The alternative minimum tax (“AMT”) regime was put into place in 1986 with the goal to ensure high-income individuals, and certain trusts, pay a minimum level of tax. AMT is a parallel tax calculation to the regular income tax calculation, but allows fewer deductions, exemptions and tax credits which may otherwise reduce an individual’s […]

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We are moving!

We would like to share some very exciting news! As part of our commitment to continuously improve our services and provide a better working environment for our expanding team, we are pleased to announce that we will be relocating to a new office this summer.  In late August 2024, you can find us at 300 – […]

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New Rules Create Another Tax Return Filing Obligation For Many Canadians

Recent amendments to Canada’s tax laws will require many Canadians to file a trust tax return for the 2023, even where they might not know that a trust exists. In this newsletter we will describe many common arrangements used by Canadians that now result in a requirement to file an annual T3 trust tax return […]

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Year-end Tax Planning Newsletter

As we approach the end of the year, it is time to consider some tax planning opportunities that may be available to you for 2023. The planning points outlined below are not intended to serve as specific advice; you should always consult your D&H advisor before implementing any of the suggestions contained in this newsletter. […]

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Canada’s Minister of Finance Releases Fall Economic Update

Introduction On November 21, 2023, Canada’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Chrystia Freeland, presented the 2023 Fall Economic Update.  This update proposes new measures aimed at making changes to the Underused Housing Tax, supporting employee ownership trusts, providing amendments to concessional loans and expanding eligibility for the Clean Technology and Clean Electricity Investment […]

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Canada Emergency Business Account: January 18, 2024 Repayment Deadline 

Background The Canada Emergency Business Account (“CEBA”) is a program created by the Government of Canada during the pandemic to provide interest-free partially forgivable loans to qualifying businesses.  Loans of up to $60,000 to small businesses and not-for-profits from financial institutions under the CEBA were available from April 9, 2020, to June 30, 2021. The initial […]

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On March 28, 2023, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Chrystia Freeland, presented Budget 2023: A Made-in-Canada Plan: Strong Middle Class, Affordable Economy, Healthy Future. The budget proposes new measures to: INTRODUCTION The budget also proposes a fiscal plan which the Government claims will see Canada maintain the lowest deficit and the lowest net debt-to-GDP […]

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Important Update: Underused Housing Tax Return Filing Extension to October 31, 2023

On March 27, 2023 Canada Revenue Agency (“CRA”) granted an extension of time to file UHT returns to October 31, 2023. The CRA official announcement (see describes this as a “waiver of penalties and interest” for returns filed after the April 30, 2023 filing deadline as long as the returns are filed, and any […]

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Underused Housing Tax

The Underused Housing Tax Act (the “UHT” Act), which received royal assent on June 9, 2022, implements a national annual 1% tax on the value of residential real estate that is vacant or underused (the “Underused Housing Tax” or “UHT”). The UHT was originally proposed in the 2021 Federal Budget (see our March 14, 2022 […]

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Year End Tax Planning Newsletter

As we approach the end of the year, it is time to consider some tax planning opportunities that may be available to you for 2022.  The planning points outlined below are not intended to serve as specific advice; you should always consult your D&H advisor before implementing any of the suggestions contained in this newsletter. […]

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