
Keeping you informed

As fall arrives and the rain must come after a hot dry summer, we thought it would be a good time to give you some tips related to the Goods & Services Tax (“GST”). Recent GST Audit Activity Many of our clients are being asked by Canada Revenue Agency (“CRA”) to provide documents to support […]

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On April 21, 2015 Minister of Finance Joe Oliver tabled a budget document, which offers targeted tax reductions for small businesses, seniors, and families with children, and predicts a $1.4 billion surplus in 2015-16, a surplus of $1.7 billion the following year, and a surplus of $4.8 billion by 2019-20. The government reported that the […]

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Minister of Finance Michael de Jong projected a surplus of $ 879 million in the 2014/2015 fiscal year, followed by surpluses of $ 284 million in 2015/2016, $ 376 million in 2016/2017, and $ 399 million in 2017/2018.  The following is a summary of the income tax and sales tax measures contained in the Budget. […]

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